Belajar Membatik

Batik hasil sendiri
    Liburan Paskah tahun 2010 kemarin, saya beserta keluarga berlibur ke Jogja. Kami menginap di hotel Singgasana. Hotel ini terdesain seperti Keraton Jawa Kuno, namun fasilitasnya sudah modern. Di hotel Singgasana ini, terdapat satu ruangan yang dikhususkan untuk para pengunjung hotel yang ingin belajar membatik.
      Saya merasa tertarik dengan tawaran tersebut. Akhirnya, saya dan adik saya, Romilda, mencoba membatik. Bahan yang digunakan antara lain kain putih, wajan kecil, kompor kecil, pewarna kain (wantex), dan yang paling penting dariyang terpenting dalam membatik adalah "canting". Awalnya kami mengira bahwa membuat karya berupa kain batik itu mudah. Namun setelah kami mencoba dan merasakan membuat batik, ternyata susah juga. belajar membatik itu menyenangkan, juga sungguh menantang. Jika kita salah dalam memegang "canting", maka malam yang keluar dari canting akan tidak sesuai dengan yang diharapkan.


A  :  A new life starts when we were born
B :  Being a success person is what we need
C :  Choose the one you think that it is the best
D :  Do your best in every situations needs confidence
E :  Everyday is so beautiful when someone you love is beside you
F :   Feel the difference when you try to trust someone else
G  :  God is everything in your every steps
H  :  Heal the world, and make it better place
I   :  "I can do it" is the most important words
J   :  Just calm down and take time
K  :  Keep going even there are many obstacle in your life
L   :  Loving each other to make friendship
M  :  Move your wrong steps to the right steps
N  :  Never stop trying something new
O  :  Owning somebody's heart and give him/her your heart will make you know the meaning of love
P  :  Place your life in the right way
Q  :  Queen of 
R  :  Reach your dreams until it comes true
S   :  Stop hurting other person
T   :  Take care for somebody's heart who has trusted you to it
U   :  Use your mind in every things you do
V   :  Visit God in your prays
W  :  Watch
X   :  XOXO :*
Y   : You're everything for me

Read It, Understood It, and Think About It

* Love starts with a smile, grows with a kiss, and ends with a tear...
* Don't cry over who won't cry over you...
* A friend like you are hard to find, harder to leave, and impossible to forget...
* The hardest thing to do is watch the one you love, love somebody else...
* Life's short. If you don't look around once in a while, you might miss it...
* A friend like you is like a four leaf clover : hard to find and lucky to have...
* True love never ends...
* You're like the stars... I don't always see you, bit I know you're always there...
* Nobody is perfect until you fall in love with them.. (Isn't that the truth?)
* Everything is okay in the end.. If it's not okay, then it's not the end...

All You Need Is Just Take Time

Take time to THINK it's the source of power...
Take time to READ it's the foundation of wisdom...
Take time to be QUIET it's the opportunity to seek God...
Take time to DREAM it's what the future is made of...
Take time to PRAY it's the greatest power on earth...

Tanyaku dan Jawab-Nya

Tuhan memberikan kita dua kaki untuk berjalan,,
dua tangan untuk memegang,,
dua telinga untuk mendengar,,
dan dua mata untuk melihat...

Tetapi satu yang selama ini menjadi pertanyaanku....

"Mengapa Tuhan hanya menganugerahkan sekeping hati pada kita?"

Dan sekarang aku tahu jawabannya...
"Karena Tuhan relah memberikan sekeping lagi hati pada seseorang,
untuk kita mencarinya.."